Why is YoungLives​ camp important?

One Week Away

YoungLives camp gives teenage mothers a week away with their baby AND their mentor from home, as well as their YoungLives friends.

At camp, they get to be 100% teenage girls having the most incredible week of fun and adventure while slowing down long enough to hear the Gospel and have a meaningful encounter with Jesus. They also get to be 100% mom, with many camp activities including their children and geared exactly for them. Childcare volunteers staff nurseries around camp to provide quality care during club and some camp events.

It takes a village to make YoungLives​ camp happen, and we need YOU!

We need over 140 child care volunteers for the two camp weeks serving the South Central Division this summer at Clearwater Cove and LoneHollow Ranch.

Most YoungLives​ campers can only pay a small portion of their camp fee, so we rely on fundraising scholarship money to cover the rest.

Cost for one camper including transportation: $900
Cost for one child care volunteer: $689

Watch this video​ to learn more about serving at YoungLives​ camp.